Launch Your Own
Grafters Super Group

Become Group Director of your own Grafters Super Group

Earn £16,000 recurring profit per annum operating your own Grafters Super Group along side your existing business

When Group Director of your own Grafters Super Group you can…

  • Begin earning income in your first month
  • Return your initial investment in as little as 3 months
  • Bolt on additional groups later and grow your portfolio

By simply replicating our existing activity in your region you can grow a recurring income business whilst working part-time from home or an office. You will get comprehensive training at the start of your franchise, as well as training and support throughout – so you won’t be alone!




Request Prospectus

The Opportunity

Grafters Super Groups offer an amazing opportunity to be part of the UK roll-out for what promises to be the largest construction and property specific networking organisation in the UK.

  • Work with an established brand and business model
  • Comprehensive training
  • ‘Working the Zoom’ specialist training to become an online
    event host
  • Ongoing support
  • Website & social media support
  • Grafters bespoke event management software
  • Ability to work from home or in office
  • Lifestyle flexibility
  • Full accountancy function provided from Grafters head office
  • Access to the Grafters National Network

What we look for in a Franchisee & Group Director?

Do you have an interest in the construction and property industry? Do you want to help connect businesses in your local area?

Grafters are looking for like-minded individuals who see the value and potential in the business model and brand. Networking experience would be a bonus; however, you will receive all the training you need to hit the ground running when you start your Grafters Super Group.

Request Prospectus

The Investment

The franchise fee to launch your Grafters Super Group is an initial payment of £4,000 plus £2,970 from initial seat sales. Total £6,970 subject to vat.

The franchise prospectus demonstrates how you can return your initial investment in as little as 3 months and earn £16,000 recurring profit per annum after ongoing management fees are taken in to account. Additional Groups can be added at a later date to grow your portfolio.




Investment Payback Period

Become a Group Director of your own Grafters Super Group

Complete the form to request a copy of our Franchise Prospectus and we will be in touch shortly to give you more information.

T: 0845 689 0226
E: groups@grafterssupergroups.co.uk